Tag: report
The Central Finland Games & industry report and index 2022 – by Expa Game Business Cooperative
Mikäli koet olevasi aktiivinen ja oma-aloitteinen persoona, kuka kokee intohimoa Keski-Suomen pelialan eteenpäin viemisestä, kannattaa hakea hallitukseen mukaan.
Hallituksesta löytyy monenlaisia vastuualueita, joten mukaan voi lähteä monella eri taustalla.
Lue lisää dokumentista Peliosuuskunta Expa
hallitus edut, vastuut, roolit ja toiminta:
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Annual cooperative meeting shall be on 2nd of June 2023 at Digi & Game Center. more details coming later, but we are looking for new Board members and volunteers to join our ranks to make Jyväskylä, Central Finland Game Industry scene more awesome!
Are you interested to be a Peliosuuskunta Expa’s board member?
Read more about the benefits and roles you could jump into:
Learn all about Digi & Game Center:
Learn all about IGDA Finland
Learn all about Expa Game Business Co-operative:
Dear reader,
You are currently viewing the Central Finland Games Industry Report: a very special document born out of the fruitful collaboration between the City of Jyväskylä and Expa Game Business Cooperative. This report was created to collect and summarise the vast amount of local game industry knowledge, generated over the past ten years, in a single practical piece.
The purpose of this report is to serve anyone interested in working in or with the Central Finland game industry. Narrating the history, the current status and the future opportunities of the local industry, this report provides detailed answers to many relevant questions featuring infographics, interviews, career and company listings, glossaries and many more.
To stay relevant in this rapidly changing world, a new update to this report is produced annually. So whether you are looking to establish a game company, soft-landing your existing business or searching for career or education opportunities, be sure to read through the latest version of this report.
On behalf of Expa Game Business Cooperative and the City of Jyväskylä, we warmly welcome you to join our growing professional ecosystem.
Link to dowload PDF of the report:
Valtteri Lahti
Chairperson of the board
Peliosuuskunta Expa
(Expa Game Business Co-operative)
We want Central Finland to be the powerhouse ecosystem of the games industry in Finland. No matter if it is about developing games or products, doing e-sport activities, doing research studies of it or using the game technology in other industries. The Game Industry is an international and usually scalable business and that is what this region needs to help to grow.
Now is our time to shine.
To that end, the city of Jyväskylä has asked Peliosuuskunta Expa to produce a game industry report in the Central Finland region. The data will include how many businesses operate, their products, turnover, employment, forecasts, education, wellbeing and also how many use the services and networks of the Peliosuuskunta Expa, IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub and Dig & Game Center. So please be active and let others know too if they have not been in contact with us yet.
All the open knowledge and the data from this report will be used for the benefit of the Industry in the region. There have been smaller size surveys about this subject back in the past, but now we have a great opportunity to do this properly and what is most important is that we can do this annually.
The Chairman of Peliosuuskunta Expa, Valtteri Lahti says that “For the past 10 years Expa has been an active grassroots operation with a simple goal: getting things done to boost the local game and digi scene. We’ve helped companies get started, we’ve been involved in numerous successful projects and we’ve maintained and developed the local digi and game community continuously. We have acquired and accumulated huge amounts of information about the state of the industry, the opportunities and challenges that companies face, connections to other industries, and national and international networks. It’s magnificent to be finally able to structure all this valuable information into a single clear document that will be updated every year henceforth.”
Once complete, this report will be available for everyone who has an interest in the sector both public and private.
“The industry report gives us an overview of the development of the game industry and the opportunity to be on the pulse of one of the fastest growing and changing industries.” Says Anne Sandelin, Director of Business Development and Employment, City of Jyväskylä
Then, together we can make a development strategy to push us all up, over and beyond!
So we need your help to gather data and let us know about any small scale developers in the games industry that are outside our radar. No matter what size and stage of development, we are all important.
Below is a quick and easy form to help us in this process.
Link to the questionnaire https://forms.gle/yeq4Qbt4E3PvWUGN8
No trade secrets or sensitive data will be required.
Learn more about Peliosuuskunta Expa:
Peliosuuskunta Expa at their website: https://expa.fi/
Learn more about Digi & Game Center parnerhips:
Co working with amazing people and network!