Virtual realities and digital words in Digi & Game Center
The Visit
Our School of Professional Teacher Education (JAMK) and it´s MOBVET -project visited Jyväskylä Digi & Game Center in 28th of September. MOBVET -project, coordinated by Tarto University, has been a project to make students and teachers better equipped to work in international environments, both at home and abroad. The project created a specific tool for internationalization – a digital Learning Object to assist Vocational Education teachers, trainers and students to develop their intercultural competences and reflection skills before, during and after a period of mobility. https://mobvet.ut.ee/avaleht.
When planning MOBVET -project´s dissemination and possible next steps JAMK´s School of Professional Teacher Education searched possibilities to include AR/VR elements in digital online learning to emphasize the learning experience and sense of presence. Co-operative learning and working with peers are in the heart of teacher education and we sought ways to include immersive elements to distance and online learning as well. During our visit to Digi and Game Center, we were introduced to various means and equipment’s on how to implement AR/VR and noticed that Digi and Game Center has a truly unique approach to digital world. It is a platform that brings together companies, students, teachers, and researchers in the digital and gaming industry to work and develop products and services together. The parties responsible for the centre’s operations include the JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä Game Industry Hub – Peliosuuskunta Expa and Jykia Oy. Expa Game Business Co-operative serves as the operator of Digi & Game Center.
The companies operating there represent industries such as gaming, programming, graphics, animation, 3D and XR/VR/AR production, robotics, ICT, and music and culture production.

We were very much inspired by our encountering with Digi & Game Center.
Unfortunately due to project schedule, MOBVET was not able to utilize these premises any further, but we did receive some good advices for the future! Our visit there was a good steppingstone on a path to more immersive and co-operative online learning. Continuing learning is a never-ending ride, we just have to hold on and enjoy the journey!
Go and check the premises!
Check Digi & Game center premises through a virtual tour link to the 3D, 360 camera model:
Digi & Game Center,
Matarankatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä
Google maps:

Quest writer:
Milla-Maarit Salo
Education Planner, International Coordinator
JAMK School of Professional Teacher Education
Project manager in MOBVET -project (Coordinated by Tarto University)
Twitter: @JAMK_AOKK