
Amazing Partnership Announcement: Digi & Game Center and Fingersoft


Digi & Game Center is excited to announce new partnership with Fingersoft

Fingersoft is one of the most northern game studios in the world, chilling out (literally and figuratively) just 170km south of the arctic circle in Oulu, Finland. The company is best known for the mobile smash hits Hill Climb Racing and Hill Climb Racing 2, which have a combined total of over 1.5 Billion installs. 


Digi & Game Center is doing a good job in building an exciting, growing hub in the games industry in Jyväskylä, where they facilitate excellent opportunities for coworking, networking, partnerships and recruitment under one roof. This partnership is an investment in the future of the Finnish games industry, and we look forward to exploring all the possibilities together,” 

says Ville Rauma, COO at Fingersoft.


We at Digi & Game Center value this partnership very much to make even better connection between game industry professionals, students, companies, research and most of all to be in direct contact with one of the leading mobile game companies in Finland to grow new talents and success stories together.

Fingersoft logo

Learn more about Fingersoft:


Fingersoft at their website:


Learn more about Digi & Game Center parnerhips:



Co working with amazing people and network!




Explore DGC Van Demo in 3D

This demo was done with Matterport -platform and shot with RICOH THETA Z1 -360 camera. Matterport is a platform for making immersive virtual 3D tours. It took 2-3 hours to make this demo. The service can be used for example to sell a property or to show premises in a remote meeting. The 3D tour can be embedded in a website or be shared via a link. The 3D tour can also be secured with a password.


Digi&Game center has virtual tours made with Matterport and you can find them here: https://www.digigamecenter.org/check-new-360-3d-view-from-dgc-and-its-sauna-too/



Ask for more information from our contact page:



New Partnership Announcement: Digi & Game Center and DeskMe

DeskMe Logo

Digi & Game Center is glad to announce new partnership with DeskMe

DeskMe is an IoT-enabled desk reservation system for hot-desking offices and co-working spaces. Easily find a working desk or a meeting room in your own office or in the DeskMe network!.


Any organization and person can now lower office or “home office” costs by switching to Digi & Game Center membership via premises sharing like social premises, desks, meeting rooms. phone booths, XR green screen studio etc and relying on local co-working spaces as an extension of their own office and building new network and client relationships same time when remote working or when new ideas or inspiration are needed


During this pandemic, nearly everyone has tried working from home / remote and learned about its great advantages. As a result, many organizations made a permanent work from home / remote policy, this completely changes how offices are used. A much greater flexibility is expected now.


With the DeskMe partnership we want to give a safe and flexible way of working at Digi Game Center – Join us!








DeskMe Logo

Learn more about DeskMe:


DeskMe at their website: https://www.deskme.com


DeskMe at their Facebook page: https://fb.com/deskme



Learn more about Digi & Game Center membership:



DGC Membership

– 150 euro + vat 24%.


Co working with amazing people and network!




Happy New Year from DGC! – DGC picture book year 1

New adventures are around the corner. Happy New Year to all from Digi & Game Center, Jyväskylä, Finland!


We are so proud of all our accomplishments this year — and we just can’t wait to see what we can do together in the next year.

Feast your eyes on this Digi & Game Center picture book 2020.

link to the picture book: 

Virtual realities and digital words in Digi & Game Center

The Visit

Our School of Professional Teacher Education (JAMK) and it´s MOBVET -project visited Jyväskylä Digi & Game Center in 28th of September. MOBVET -project, coordinated by Tarto University, has been a project to make students and teachers better equipped to work in international environments, both at home and abroad. The project created a specific tool for internationalization – a digital Learning Object to assist Vocational Education teachers, trainers and students to develop their intercultural competences and reflection skills before, during and after a period of mobility. https://mobvet.ut.ee/avaleht.


When planning MOBVET -project´s dissemination and possible next steps JAMK´s School of Professional Teacher Education searched possibilities to include AR/VR elements in digital online learning to emphasize the learning experience and sense of presence. Co-operative learning and working with peers are in the heart of teacher education and we sought ways to include immersive elements to distance and online learning as well. During our visit to Digi and Game Center, we were introduced to various means and equipment’s on how to implement AR/VR and noticed that Digi and Game Center has a truly unique approach to digital world. It is a platform that brings together companies, students, teachers, and researchers in the digital and gaming industry to work and develop products and services together. The parties responsible for the centre’s operations include the JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä Game Industry Hub – Peliosuuskunta Expa and Jykia Oy. Expa Game Business Co-operative serves as the operator of Digi & Game Center.


The companies operating there represent industries such as gaming, programming, graphics, animation, 3D and XR/VR/AR production, robotics, ICT, and music and culture production.

Alistair Dunn HexGen Interactive

We were very much inspired by our encountering with Digi & Game Center.

Unfortunately due to project schedule, MOBVET was not able to utilize these premises any further, but we did receive some good advices for the future! Our visit there was a good steppingstone on a path to more immersive and co-operative online learning. Continuing learning is a never-ending ride, we just have to hold on and enjoy the journey!

Go and check the premises!

Check Digi & Game center premises through a virtual tour link to the 3D, 360 camera model: 


Digi & Game Center,

Matarankatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä 

Google maps:


Milla Salo

Quest writer:


Milla-Maarit Salo

Education Planner, International Coordinator

JAMK School of Professional Teacher Education

Project manager in MOBVET -project (Coordinated by Tarto University)





Twitter: @JAMK_AOKK

JAMK logo

Welcome to Digi & Game Center – Expa – Swag Shop!

DGC shop

Boom! 💥

Now the much asked Digi & Game Center and Peliosuuskunta Expa Swag products are available in our Shop. (+ Expa, IGDAJKL and other cool stuff)

Use the opening discount -15% SALE!

Welcome to Digi & Game Center – Expa – Swag Shop!

Find your Awesome Digi & Game Center ecosystem Fan Swag like T-shirts, Hoodies, Bags, Mugs, Caps etc here.. 

Here you will find cool products that can help You to support the development of the digital and gaming ecosystem in Central Finland.

These products can be used to represent the Digi & Game Center ecosystem of Jyväskylä and Central Finland. 💖


a person with dgc hoodie
a person with dgc hoodie

Vieraskynästä: Yhteisöllistä toimintaa digi- ja pelialan edistämiseksi

NiceICT event image

Nice ICT Jyväskylän kevään 2020 viimeinen tapahtuma järjestettiin virtuaalisesti 19.5. Etävierailun kohteena oli Jyväskylän Digi & Game Center. Tapahtumassa saimme kuulla ensin yleiskatsauksen DGC:n toiminnan taustoista. Tämän jälkeen pääsimme tutustumaan tarkemmin pariin DGC:n yhteydessä toimivaan yritykseen.


Mistä DGC:ssä on kyse?

Onko se joku pelijuttu? No ei pelkästään, vaikka eSportsiakin toimintaan kuuluu. Mutta kuten jo vihjasin, kokonaisuuteen liittyy myös erilaisia yrityksiä sekä muita digialan toimijoita. Tarkemmin ajatellen kyseessä on kokonainen ekosysteemi ja toimijoiden verkosto, joka antaa esimerkiksi yritystoiminnalle hyvän pohjan kasvaa ja kehittyä. DGC:n taustalla tällä hetkellä on muun muassa EU-rahoitusta, Keski-Suomen Liitto, JAMK, Business Jyväskylä, Fingersoft sekä Peliosuuskunta Expa. 

Esimerkkejä koko palveluvalikoimasta


  • Tapahtumatuotanto (erikokoiset pelitapahtumat, bizdev, työpajat, seminaarit, webinaarit, hackathonit)
  • Game Business konsultointi
  • Pelillistämiseen liittyvä konsultointi
  • eSport konsultointi
  • AR/VR/XR konsultointi
  • PR ja markkinointipalvelut
  • Rekrytointipalvelu
  • Tilavuokraus ja neuvottelutilat tapahtumiin, koulutuksiin, eSporttiin. Lisäksi hot desks, fixed desks..

Mukana on monenlaisia yrityksiä pelinkehityksen, kulttuurin, mainonnan sekä erilaisia digitaalista toimintaa edistäviä tahoja. Toiminnan laajuus yllätti meidät kuulijat täysin! DGC tarjoaa yrityksille mahtavan kumppaniverkoston, tiloja, koulutuksia sekä muuta toimintaa ja näin mukana olevat tahot saavat uusia mahdollisuuksia, kasvua, synergiaa sekä vaikkapa sparrausta arkipäivän ongelmiinsa. Yrittäjien keskuudessa vallitsikin valloittava huumorilla höystetty yhteishenki!



Erilaisia yrittäjiä

Saimme kuulla tarkemmat esittelyt kolmelta mukana olevalta yrittäjältä: Heidi Säntti (Family Creatives), Teemu Ollilainen (WeSolve Oy) sekä Suvi Liukkonen (W1llou Agency).


Heidi pyörittää mainostoimistoa, jossa hänen lisäkseen on mukana myös hänen sisaruksiaan. Heidän palveluitaan ovat erilaiset graafiset työt kuten logot ja ulkoasut, kuvitukset, sarjakuvat sekä animaatiot.


Teemulla on tulessa useampikin rauta ja hänellä on rautainen kokemus erilaisista ICT-alan kehitysprojekteista. Yritys tarjoaa digitaalisia työkaluja liiketoiminnan kehittämiseen. Ratkaisut liittyvät nouseviin teknologioihin, esimerkiksi AR/XR/3D-tuotantoon ja 360° kuvauksiin.


W1llow Agencyn Suvi edustaa useita suomalaisia taiteilijoita, kuten sarjakuvapiirtäjä Milla Paloniemeä (esim. Kiroileva siili). Lisäksi hän toimii esimerkiksi tapahtumatuotannon parissa.



Monipuolisuus yllätti

Nice ICT:n tapahtumissa aiemminkin aktiivisesti käynyt Enni Stylman Jyväskylän yliopistolta kertoo, että DGC:n monialaisuus yllätti positiivisesti. Oli mukavaa, että tapahtumassa oli esittäytymässä monenlaisia toimijoita eikä pelkästään it-alan yrittäjiä. DGC on hyvä esimerkki siitä, kuinka myös it-alan toimijat voivat hyötyä monialaisesta työyhteisöstä ja verkostoitumisesta Enni kommentoi.



Toivotaan, että voimme järjestää virtuaalisen vierailun lisäksi myöhemmin Nice ICT -tapahtuman ihan paikan päälle, vaikkapa eSportsin merkeissä. Tätä odotellessa tiloihin pääsee jo tutustumaan Wesolven tuottaman 360° mallin avulla.


Ilona Lapinkylä

Competence & Culture Specialist Ilona Lapinkylä työskentelee Cinia Oy:n ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan rekrytoinnin sekä osaamisen kehittämisen parissa. Vapaa-ajallaan hän toimii TIVIA Keski-Suomen hallituksessa sekä vetää Nice ICT Jyväskylä -verkostoa


Brand Marketing Digi & Game Center

Where does the brand start?

Brand development is long-term work and starting is usually the most challenging part of it. It is important to do the groundwork properly. We must first define the goals of what we are going to do, and to whom and why? However, the final image is determined by different stakeholders and target audiences.

From the beginning, representatives of various parties: from the companies, employees, students, and persons responsible for the city of Jyväskylä own development interests have been committed to building the Digi & Game Center brand. This has been a sensible choice because in the end, the brand is built on the images we create together. We started thinking together: How we want to look, and sound like on the outside? What things do we want to represent and what kind of activities do we want to involve?


We organized two workshops and a shared survey for all the representatives of the various parties involved in the Digi & Game Center. They were able to freely participate in the workshops as well as give opinions regarding the brand and communications of the future about Digi & Game Center. From the results of the workshops we could see that people wanted to make the Center warm and receptive to anyone interested in the digital and gaming industry, regardless of age, gender, or background. The Center also wanted to be portrayed as a place where people would first seek help in the digital or gaming industry, whether they were interested in studying those subjects or in the hopes of getting to work in those fields. Information aimed at financiers and potential investors was always also seen as an important part of keeping investor interest as high as possible.

From the very beginning, the value base of the brand building was the emphasis on the community and the appreciation of working together and different ways of cooperation. There is more power in the community than there would be in people individually.

Why we are building the brand?

Underlying the brand building is the goal of increasing sales. In the case of Digi & Game Center this means that the Center’s own offices are would be as full of tenants as possible, there would be a large number of participants in the events, young people are queuing to get in to study and the city of Jyväskylä thinks the Center is a useful community for the development of the city. A strong brand base supports sales and engages customers. There are numerous examples of this from Apple to Merzedes-Benz.

To whom do we want to send a message and what?

The main target groups for brand communications are the gaming industry, the digital industry, educational institutions, investors/financiers/partners, and the potential buyers of inhouse business services. Topics raised in the communication include the Centre’s CO-Working facilities, several events held in different locations inside and outside the Center, the possibility of cooperation networks, start-up services, training opportunities for the industry, industry development in general and of course, the services of the Centre’s own resident companies, as well as investment opportunities in these companies. The City of Jyväskylä’s positive attitude towards new business and the development of the digital and gaming industry as a growing employer of the future has also been emphasized in communications. The main goal of brand communication has been for Digi & Game Center to be the first thing that comes to mind when people think about the digital gaming industry in general and it would be the first place they seek help or information related to these topics.

It would also be important for the brand to be able to stand out from other business communities in Jyväskylä and other Finnish digital and gaming communities. For this reason, the activities have been taken forward together with various stakeholders because in this case, it is the community that creates the foundation for the brand.


Residents are the most important resource for the brand and communications

The biggest asset of the brand and communications is its representatives, i.e. the residents of Digi & Game Center. How they talk about daily life in the Digi & Game Center, at events and outside of the house.  As well as, of course, in general of everything they think the Center represents. A relaxed and communal atmosphere combined with professional people that work both for the company they represent and for the common good of entire Digi & Game Center. Now we are striving the companies, employees, and students working in the Digi & Game Center to spread the good news about this wonderful place, which has been created for the need. Marketing tricks will not work unless the community will stand behind the values of the Center. At the same time as the brand is being built, seamless customer experiences are also being built.

Brand creation and the future

The creation of the brand has only just begun, and its first features have only been seen on a smaller scale. Over time we can see how well the initially set goals and the models created are realized and how people themselves internalize the starting points of Digi & Game Center’s brand communication in their daily work and their communication. The goal for the future is for the Center to be known throughout Finland as an active player in the digital and gaming industry within three years. The five-year goal is for the Digi & Game Center to be recognized internationally and for the people to apply for jobs and study abroad.

The work is taken forward together, keeping the focus on the themes defined at the beginning. The groundwork has been done and now the strengthening of the brand image will continue.

Digi & Game Center – Co-Development Ecosystem in the Heart of Finland is OPEN!

The Digi & Game Center brings together companies, students, teachers and researchers in the digital and gaming industry in one place to work and develop products and services. The parties responsible for the centre’s operations include the JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä Game Industry Hub – Peliosuuskunta Expa and Jykia Oy. Expa Game Business Co-operative serves as the operator of Digi & Game Center.


Facilities and working stations are rented for gaming and digitalisation companies. The companies operating in the Digi & Game Center represent industries such as gaming, programming, graphics, animation, 3D and XR/VR/AR production, robotics, ICT, and music and culture production. The high demand for space is an indication of the centre’s necessity and of the fact that the digital and gaming industry in Jyväskylä and Central Finland is active and growth-seeking both in the domestic and international markets. Companies and partners are coming to the centre both from Finland and abroad.

Digi & Game Center has office rooms and hot desk remote co-working stations available for rent. Additionally, the centre has common areas, virtual and augmented reality (XR, VR and AR) facilities and equipment, an audio studio as well as a sauna available.

Are You looking for professionals to Your team?

The center has also sought partners to support the development and operation of the industry in Central Finland. Experts and businesses are developed in the same building, so the community provides opportunities to start new business together or recruit new talents.Through our networks, you can find professionals from the grassroots directly through our a peer-to-peer networks. Midare, a Jyväskylä-based company with a long history in the provision of equipment, operator services and ICT solutions, has already joined the centre.

In addition to business operations, the center will host diverse activities, training and events open to all in the gaming and digital industry as well as JAMK’s Ticorporate Demo & Product Lab and e-sports coaching will also be operating at the center. 

Grand Opening Day 7th Feb 2020 was huge success

Several speeches were kept, coffee and cake were served and over 400 people visited and tested the premises. We got excellent feedback and social media were lively. We are excited what the future holds for use. Join us to make great things together!

Check video from The Grand Opening Day https://youtu.be/OVs0P77B3xM

Check our premises through a virtual tour link to the 3D, 360 camera model, where you can explore all the facilities and the offices of the entrepreneurs: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=tGEm1yhqJ6t

Welcome to visit Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä  Digital or non digital way.

Find us in the Google maps:
