
Peliosuuskunta Expa (Expa Game Business Cooperative) the annual cooperative meeting, June 13, 2024, from 5:30 pm at Digi & Game Center

The members of Peliosuuskunta Expa (Expa Game Business Cooperative) are invited to the annual cooperative meeting, which will be held on June 13, 2024, from 5:30 pm., at Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä.

MEETING INVITATIONThe members of Peliosuuskunta Expa (Expa Game Business Cooperative) are invited to the annual cooperative meeting, which will be held on June 13, 2024, from 5:30 p.m., at Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä. Please arrive by 5:15 p.m. or participate online using the Google Meet service, see the link to get in.

After the meeting, it is possible to take part in the sauna, bring your own towel, you can also take your own drink and snacks. We keep separate shifts for women and men.

NOTE! All members of the cooperative have free access to the annual meeting, but by our decision, outsiders are also welcome.

Registration is collected for two reasons:

1) so that we know how big a part of the group participates remotely and how many are on site.

2) Charts interest in active activities.

Please fill out the form below!

invitation form https://forms.gle/7Y5QQZzFXRyySAct5

(preferably by 12 noon on June 11, 2024) so that we know the participant’s order online or at the Digi & Game Center on site. Likewise, the possible number of sauna users

At the meeting, according to the agenda below, the issues that belong to the regular meeting of the cooperative according to § 9 of the rules will be discussed.

Attached is a link to a remote connection: https://meet.google.com/bnk-yrge-ukq


  1. Opening the meeting
  2. Legality and quorum
  3. Selection of meeting officers

A chairman, secretary and minutes auditors are chosen for the meeting, who act as vote counters if necessary

  1. Approval of the agenda
  2. Greetings and notification matters
  3. Presentation of the activity report and the activity plan
  4. Presentation of the financial statements
  5. Confirmation of financial statements
  6. Use of surplus

The Board proposes that the surplus from 2023 will not be distributed but will be used for the benefit of the community

  1. Exemption from liability for board members
  2. Selection of operational inspectors
  3. Board composition
  4. Other issues that arise
  5. Closing the meeting

In Jyväskylä on 5 June 2024

On behalf of the Expa  Game Business Cooperative board

Valtteri LahtiChairperson


The event is FREE and open for all, language of the Meetup event is English! – Invite your friends, questions welcome throughout the event.

Be there – Socialize – Get Expa!


The Finnish Game Awards 2024 – Stream view event at Digi & Game Center (Thu 16.05.2024, 6pm)

Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub arrange The Finnish Game Awards 2024 – Stream view event at Digi & Game Center come and join with us together

Topic: The Finnish Game Awards 2024 – Stream view event at Digi & Game Center
Date: Thu 16.05.2024
Where: LIVE @ Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2, Jyväskylä

Doors open 18:00 (6pm)
The award ceremony will be streamed live online from 19:00 (7PM) to 8:30PM (20.30).

The event is casual at Digi & Gamer Center but feel free to Dress to impress! And have some Your own snack and drinks with you. Expa will provide also something.
Developers and studios will be recognized in the following categories:
  • Finnish Game of the Year 2023 – List of nominees
  • Best Creative Achievement of the Year 2023
  • Finnish Rookie of the Year 2023
  • Power Player of the Year 2023
  • IGDA Volunteer of the Year 2023 by IGDA Finland
  • Bit1 Game Award 2024, winner of the upcoming Bit1 Competition
  • Jampion of the Year 2023 by Finnish Game Jam
  • W Love Games Excellence Award 2023 by W Love Games
The winners of The Finnish Game Awards 2024 will be announced during the gala on May 16th via Neogames’ social channels, with the results published on Neogames Finland’s website after the ceremony.
Be there – Socialize – Get Expa!

PELIALALLE 2024 – tapahtuma

PELIALALLE 2024 – tapahtuma
Tule kuuntelemaan, miten alalle pääsee sisään!


Kiinnostaako peliala?

Tule tutustumaan alan toimijoihin sekä saamaan ideoita miten alalle pääsee sisään!Tapahtuma tarjoaa infoa yrityksistä, koulutusmahdollisuuksista sekä pääset verkostoitumaan ja tutustumaan Digi & Game Centeriin.

Tapahtuma järjestetään yhteistyössä
Jyväskylän kaupungin ja Peliosuuskunta Expan ja Digi & Game Centerin kanssa.


Tapahtuman osoite:
Digi & Game Center
Matarankatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä

Kuinka löydät perille?


Kuinka löydät perille? (ohje video)


OHJELMA KE 24.4.2024:

12.00: Kahvia

12:25: Avaussanat: Jussi Lehtonen Jyväskylän kaupunki Digitaitoja työmarkkoille – hanke ja Valtteri Lahti, Peliosuuskunta Expa,

12.30: Peliosuuskunta Expa: Peliala ja työmahdollisuudet 13:00: Yritys: tarina ja uramahdollisuudet

13:30: Jamk | Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu pelialan koulutukset ja opiskelijatarina

14:00-16:00: Verkostoitumista:
tutustu Digi & Game Centeriin sekä yrityksiin


The Networking can be done in English too.

Expa Board Games Meetup 2024 (06.05.2024) – TBA

Expa Board Games Meetup 2024 (01.04.2024) – TBA

The Lonely dice needs some new friends!
Expa Board Games is finally happening.

Every Months first Monday 16-21 at Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2 40100 Jyväskylä


The event is non alcoholic, snacks are welcome

#ExpaBoardGames is open for all to meet and hangout


The event is FREE and open for all

Be there – Socialize – Get Expa!

Expa Board Games Meetup 2024 (01.04.2024)

Expa Board Games Meetup 2024 (01.04.2024) – TBA

The Lonely dice needs some new friends!
Expa Board Games is finally happening.

Every Months first Monday 16-21 at Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2 40100 Jyväskylä

Start Monday 1.4.2024

The event is non alcoholic, snacks are welcome

#ExpaBoardGames is open for all to meet and hangout


The event is FREE and open for all

Be there – Socialize – Get Expa!

23rd of April 2024 – Bit1 – PreBit at Jyväskylä coming with via Meetup, join now!

23rd of April 2024 – Bit1 – PreBit at Jyväskylä coming with via Expa / IGDAJKL Meetup, join now!

Once again, we at Bit1 are choosing the best student game of the year! Get your team together and enter the competition!

What’s Bit1?

Bit1 competition gathers game developers and their teams together to showcase their talent and their games. The Bit1 jury is made of game industry professionals, and they will be judging and giving feedback to competing games. The winning team will get to go to the Finnish Game Awards and pitch at the main stage. Competitors will get invaluable contacts to the industry and to each other.



Competition starts with preliminaries in April. Teams will give 3 min pitches, 2 min Q&A and afterwards judges will playtest each competing game individually.

From Prebits two best teams will move forward to the finals held in May. The teams going to the final will get personal mentoring from one of the PreBit’s judges to improve their game before the finals.

This year the PreBit in Rovaniemi will take place on 23rd April, at Digi & Game Center (time coming).


Submitting your entry 

Your game can be single or multiplayer and can be made for any platform. Teams’ registration is already open! You can sign up your team on our website www.bit1.fi. Note that following material is mandatory for submitting your entry:

  • Game design canvas (can be downloaded from our website)
  • Link to 1 min video of the core loop
  • make sure you answer all the entry form’s questions


Please note that we do not expect everything looking polished when you apply, but the core loop must be playable. The emphasis is on your game concept, design ideas and plans.


PreBit schedule at Jyväskylä

  • 16:00 Doors open at DGC
  • 16.30-16.40 Welcoming ceremony and judges’ introduction
  • 16.40-17 Pitches
  • 17.30-18 Judges game testing, free game testing for participants
  • 18-18.30 Judges retreat to discuss, free game testing for participants
  • 18.30-18.45 Judges announce winners, give the basics for the choices and photos
  • 19.00 – IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Meetup speakers
  • 20.00 – 20.15 Demo booth disassembling, Judges stay to discuss with participants proceeding to finals


Check our Bit1 website for more information like rules and application form!

If you have any questions, contact:

Mira Oja
email: mira.oja@expa.fi

Tuomas Roininen
email: tuomas.roininen@expa.fi


Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub Meetup 2024 (28.05.2024) with Amin Bakht, Head of User Acquisition at Phoenix Games

Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub Hybrid Meetup  05/2024

User Acquisition is in a state of constant change, as the algorithms and tools evolve all the time. Participate in the May meetup and learn how to utilize automation in User Acquisition.
Guest: Amin Bakht, Head of User Acquisition at Phoenix Games

Guest: Amin Bakht, Head of User Acquisition at Phoenix Games
Topic: Automation in User Acquisition
Time: 18:00
Interviewer: Tuomas Roininen, Vice chairman of Expa

Date: Tuesday 28.05.2024
Where: LIVE @ Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2
– STREAM on Expa’s Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/expajkl

17:30 Doors open
18:00 Streaming starts, Amin’s presentation
18:30 Q&A with Amin Bakht
19:00 Free mingling on-site

#DemoCornerJKL is open for all to showcase their things at event

The event is FREE and open for all, language of the Meetup event is English! – Invite your friends, questions welcome throughout the event.

Be there – Socialize – Get Expa!

Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub Meetup 3/2024 Teemu Vilén, Makea Games

Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub Hybrid Meetup  03/2024



Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub Meetup 3 / 2024

In the March meetup, we dive into the Eternal questions in Game development. Come to Digi & Game Center and hear what Teemu Vilén has to say about the subject.


Guest: Teemu Vilén, COO at Makea Games
Topic: Game development with those pesky humans
Time: 18:00
Interviewer: Wanda O Rly (Valtteri Lahti, chairman of Expa)

: Tuesday 26.03.2024
Where: LIVE @ Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2
– STREAM on Expa’s Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/expajkl

17:30 Doors open
18:00 Streaming starts, Teemu’s presentation
18:30 Q&A with Teemu Vilén, COO at Makea Games
19:00 Free mingling on-site

#DemoCornerJKL is open for all to showcase their things at event

The event is FREE and open for all, language of the Meetup event is English! – Invite your friends, questions welcome throughout the event.

Be there – Socialize – Get Expa!

Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub Meetup 2024 (23.04.2024)

Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub Hybrid Meetup  04/2024

It’s meetup time once again! This time, instead of having one speaker, we will have two of them! So brace yourselves as these two gentlemen will take us on a ride of “Junior employment in the Game industry”.
Please note, that the schedule for April’s meetup is a bit different than what it usually is. Before the meetup, the Bit1 – PreBit, will be held and the actual meetup starts right after that one at 19.00. The doors open already at 16.00, so welcome all!
Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub Meetup 4 / 2024
Guests: Dmytro Zhovtobryukh, CEO & Co-Founder at Snowhound Games & Klaus Kääriäinen, The Jester at Jestercraft
Topic: Junior employment in the Game industry
Time: 19:00
Interviewer: Wanda O Rly (Valtteri Lahti, chairman of Expa)
Date: Tue 23.04.2024
Where: LIVE @ Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2, Jyväskylä
– STREAM on Expa’s Twitch channel: https://lnkd.in/dqPkebC
SCHEDULE for the evening
16:00 Doors open at DGC
16.30-16.40 Welcoming ceremony and judges’ introduction
16.40-17 Pitches
17.30-18 Judges game testing, free game testing for participants
18-18.30 Judges retreat to discuss, free game testing for participants
18.30-18.45 Judges announce winners, give the basics for the choices and photos
19.00 – IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Meetup speakers (Dmytro Zhovtobryukh & Klaus Kääriäinen)
20.00 – 20.15 Demo booth disassembling, Judges stay to discuss with participants proceeding to finals


#DemoCornerJKL is open for all to showcase their things at event

The event is FREE and open for all, language of the Meetup event is English! – Invite your friends, questions welcome throughout the event.

Be there – Socialize – Get Expa!

Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub Meetup 2/2024 Tarmo Jussila, Zaibatsu Interactive

Peliosuuskunta Expa / IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub Meetup 2/2024 Tarmo Jussila, Zaibatsu Interactive


Guest: Tarmo Jussila, CTO at Zaibatsu Interactive
Topic: My Game Industry journey

Time: 18:00
Interviewer: Wanda O Rly (Valtteri Lahti, chairman of Expa)

Date: Tue 27.02.2024
Where: LIVE @ Digi & Game Center, Matarankatu 2, Jyväskylä

– STREAM on Expa’s Twitch channel: https://lnkd.in/dqPkebC

17:30 Doors open
18:00 Streaming starts, Tarmo Jussila’s presentation
18:30 Q&A
19:00 Free mingling on-site


#DemoCornerJKL is open for all to showcase their things at event


#DemoCornerJKL is open for all to showcase their things at event. This time we have students from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences showcasing their games. Come and check them out!

The event is FREE and open for all, language of the Meetup event is English! – Invite your friends, questions welcome throughout the event.

Be there – Socialize – Get Expa!