Words from the Mayor of the City of Jyväskylä, Timo Koivisto – DGC, 1 year old!

Words from the Mayor of the City of Jyväskylä, Timo Koivisto
– Digi & Game Center is now over 1 year old already!

Here is a small recap from year back and wise words from Timo Koivisto, Mayor of Jyväskylä – Digi & Game Center.


Digi and Game Center is now already over 1 year old and we been so busy that we did not even notice it “time flies when it is fun” even with the pandemic making problems to everyone lives at the moment. We all shall keep on rockin and be safe and we will enjoy each other’s company again soon.


As a great result during 2020 even the COVID-19 with us we managed to help 12 companies to established and 8 of them during pandemic time.


We at Digi & Game Center value this close partnership with Business Jyväskylä and City of Jyväskylä very much to grow new business success stories in Central Finland together.

Business Jyväskylä
brings together Jyväskylä success stories, the city’s top sectors and development projects. They provide information about services to help expand business operations and we lend a helping hand to support growth companies in Jyväskylä. Business Jyväskylä helps you to reach the right people and shares information about interesting business developments.

Together We aim to lower the barrier between different industries and cultural actors towards digital world like digital services, esport, game technologies such as game engines and simulation, gamification, XR, education and also the research on these fields.


Digi & Game Center can be the “to your next living room or the coffee maker spot” where any company, association or person can come or send messages to just ask freely how can we help or do cooperation via digital world.


So be active and contact!

BusinessJKL Logo

Learn more about Business Jyväskylä, its services and if your company wants to locate to Jyväskylä, Central Finland.

Business Jyväskylä at their website:

Learn more about Digi & Game Center parnerhips:



Co working with amazing people and network!

