OP Central Finland The Let’s Do Good Together donations gives help and opportunities for many – Digi & Game Center was selected to receive a significant donation

The Digi & Game Center issued 10 000 euro
The 2021 The Let’s Do Good Together donation pot of EUR 25,000 was widely distributed to actors reaching different target groups. A total of 27 donation applications were received, of which six applicants received donations. The donations were decided by the bank’s board at its August meeting. The Let’s Do Good Together donation campaign is part of OP Central Finland’s responsibility work, which is guided by the bank’s own and OP Financial Group’s responsibility program. The Let’s Do Good Together donation received 27 applications from clubs, associations and other third sector entities operating in the bank’s area of operation. Eighty-five per cent of the applications came from the Jyväskylä region and 15 per cent from elsewhere. Five of the donors are from the Jyväskylä region and one from elsewhere. The need for help is still great and without volunteering, the activities of the associations would not work. The selection of recipients of donations has focused on diversity, different target groups and timeliness. The selection criteria have been activities in line with the bank’s values, i.e. closeness to people, responsibility and success together, regional and target group size effectiveness, and the widest possible consideration of different target and age groups.
Digi & Game Center is a Central Finnish brand founded in 1/2020, an ecosystem operated by Peliosuuskunta Expa. The aim of the activity is to create synergies between companies in the digital and gaming sectors and in other sectors and thus help to create cooperation projects, companies and jobs between companies and educational institutions. The donation supports e.g. space use costs and benefit young entrepreneurs, students, cultural operators and actors in various fields who need help, e.g. digitization or gaming technologies. The activities are international and the aim is also to engage international students and actors in Central Finland. The work is currently done on a voluntary basis. In 2020, the operations helped the creation of 12 companies.
With Peliosuuskunta Expa and Digi & Game Center, we are extremely taken and grateful for this accolade.
Additional information:
Pia Saikkonen, communications manager , pia.saikkonen@op.fi, p. 010 256 5610.
Tuomas Roininen, Vice Chairman, tuomas.roininen@expa.fi p. 050 38 00991