
Digi & Game Center Blog Posts

Peliosuuskunta Expa Intern Introduction


Get to know our Communication/Community Manager Intern


A third year student from Jamk’s Business Information Technology, Game Production degree started her internship with Peliosuuskunta Expa on 6th of May 2024.


Hi there!


My name is Sannina, but you can call me Santtu! Yesterday was my first official day as an intern at Peliosuuskunta Expa but you might’ve seen me taking photos and videos at DGC.


I’m a third year Business Information Technology, Game Production student with interest in the visual side of the game development as well as marketing, communications, and social media. My face might be familiar from Jamk’s social media channels as I have been working as a Social Media Ambassador since last autumn.


See you around at DGC!


Learn more about Jamk University of Applied Sciences


– Game Production, Business Information Technology, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)



Learn all about Game Business Co-operative Expa:


